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Below you'll find the source for the GWBasic file DRIVERS.BAS.

I've been in doubt if I'd republish this file again. Mainly for a few reasons;
1. The stuff I made as a kid is very childish (which kinda makes sense)
2. Times have changed; what was funny/innovative or sharable in 1996 doesn't meet standards in 2024.
3. Most of the code doesn't run natively anymore on modern operating systems.
4. It's in the Dutch language, where most of my shared content is in English.

Still, I've decided to share this file. Keep in mind the age of this content though.

Download DRIVERS.BAS for GWBasic

1 FOR a = 67 TO 90
2 Driver$ = CHR$(a) + ":"
3 ON ERROR GOTO 10 'Fout
4 OPEN Driver$ + "\NUL" FOR OUTPUT AS #1
5 CLOSE #1
6 PRINT "Driver "; Driver$; " aanwezig"
7 'EindeNext:
8 NEXT a
10 'Fout:
11 RESUME 7 'EindeNext
12 '
13 'DRIVERS.BAS voor GWBASIC en QBASIC door        Stefan Thoolen Software
14 '                                               -Address removed-
15 '                                               48** ** Breda
16 '                                               Nederland
17 '                                               076 - 5 ** ** **