Visual Basic 6 function "asf_get_tag"

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Below you'll find the source for the Visual Basic 6 function asf_get_tag.

Attribute VB_Name = "modAsfGetTag"
' These functions are downloaded from:
' You may freely distribute this file but please leave all comments, including this one, in it.
' @Author Stefan Thoolen <>

Option Explicit

' For internal use, a structure to read the ASF_File_Properties_Object
Private Type ASF_File_Properties
    fileid_guid As String * 16
    filesize1 As Long ' QuadWORD
    filesize2 As Long ' ^^^^^^^^
    creation_date1 As Long ' QuadWORD
    creation_date2 As Long ' ^^^^^^^^
    data_packets1 As Long ' QuadWORD
    data_packets2 As Long ' ^^^^^^^^
    play_duration1 As Long ' QuadWORD
    play_duration2 As Long ' ^^^^^^^^
    send_duration1 As Long ' QuadWORD
    send_duration2 As Long ' ^^^^^^^^
    preroll1 As Long ' QuadWORD
    preroll2 As Long ' ^^^^^^^^
    flags_raw As Long ' DoubleWORD
    min_packet_size As Long ' DoubleWORD
    max_packet_size As Long ' DoubleWORD
    max_bitrate As Long ' DoubleWORD
End Type

' Public type, will contain all fetched information
Public Type asf_tag
    FP_Playtime As Long
    FP_Filesize As Long
    FP_Bitrate As Long
    CD_Found As Boolean
    CD_Title As String
    CD_Author As String
    CD_Copyright As String
    CD_Description As String
    CD_Rating As String
    ECD_Found As Boolean
    ECD_Genre As String
    ECD_AlbumTitle As String
    ECD_Track As Integer
    ECD_TrackNumber As Integer
    ECD_Year As String
    ECD_Composer As String
End Type

' For internal use, a structure to read ContentDescription sizes
Private Type ASF_CD_Lengths
    title_len As Integer
    author_len As Integer
    copyright_len As Integer
    description_len As Integer
    rating_len As Integer
End Type

' Combines two Long values to one variant (for QuadWORDs)
' @param    long     long1      The first value
' @param    long     long2      The second value
' @return   Variant             Both values combined
' @author   Steven Don <>
Public Function two_longs_to_variant(long1 As Long, long2 As Long) As Double
    Dim ret As Double
    Dim bit31 As Double, bit63 As Double
    bit31 = &H8000
    bit31 = bit31 * &H10000
    bit63 = bit31 * bit31
    bit63 = bit63 * 2
    'Move long2 into upper 32 bits, excluding sign bit
    ret = (long2 And &H7FFFFFFF)
    ret = ret * &H10000
    ret = ret * &H10000
    'Move long1 into lower 31 bits
    ret = ret + (long1 And &H7FFFFFFF)
    'Take care of sign bits
    If (long1 < 0) Then ret = ret + bit31
    If (long2 < 0) Then ret = ret + bit63
    two_longs_to_variant = ret
End Function

' Completes a string by adding zero characters to the front
' @param    string  value       The input string
' @param    integer length      The length the return value must be
' @param    string  character   Optional, the character that should be used for filling, default: "0"
' @author   Stefan Thoolen <>
Public Function zerofill(ByVal value As String, ByVal length As Integer, Optional ByVal character = "0") As String
    If Len(value) >= length Then zerofill = value: Exit Function
    Dim i As Integer
        value = character & value
    Loop While Len(value) < length
    zerofill = value
End Function

' Makes a binary string from an integer number
' Same syntax as the PHP function 'decbin'
' See also:
' @param    Integer number          The decimal value
' @return   String                  A binary presentation of the number (ex.: 00100111)
' @author   Stefan Thoolen <>
Public Function decbin(ByVal number As Integer) As String
    Dim retval As String
    Do Until number = 0
        If (number Mod 2) Then retval = "1" & retval Else retval = "0" & retval
        number = number \ 2
    decbin = retval
End Function

' Makes an integer number from a binary string
' Same syntax as the PHP function 'bindec'
' See also:
' @param    String  binary_string   The binary string (ex.: 00100111)
' @return   Integer                 A decimal presentation of the binary value
' @author   Stefan Thoolen <>
Public Function bindec(binary_string As String) As Long
    Dim i As Integer, pos As Integer, ret As Long
    For i = 1 To Len(binary_string)
        pos = Len(binary_string) - i
        If Mid(binary_string, pos + 1, 1) = "1" Then ret = ret + (2 ^ (i - 1))
    Next i
    bindec = ret
End Function

' When reading a binary file in another endian, this function can convert multiple bytes to a valid number
' @param    string  inp         The bytes as string
' @return   variant             The actual number
' @author   Stefan Thoolen <>
Public Function change_endian(ByVal inp As String, Optional ByVal reverse As Boolean = False) As Variant
    If Len(inp) = 0 Then change_endian = 0: Exit Function
    Dim i As Integer, s As String
    If reverse Then
        For i = 1 To Len(inp)
            s = s & zerofill(decbin(Asc(Mid(inp, i, 1))), 8)
        Next i
        For i = Len(inp) To 1 Step -1
            s = s & zerofill(decbin(Asc(Mid(inp, i, 1))), 8)
        Next i
    End If
    change_endian = bindec(s)
End Function

' Converts a heximal string to a decimal integer
' Same syntax as the PHP function 'hexdec'
' See also:
' @param    String  hex_string      The heximal string
' @return   Integer                 An integer value
' @author   Stefan Thoolen <>
Public Function hexdec(hex_string As String) As Integer
    hexdec = Val("&h" & hex_string)
End Function

' Converts a String to a binary GUID
' @param    string  GUID        The GUID, for example "{01234567-89AB-CDEF-0123-456789ABCDEF}"
' @return   string              A binary string, always 16 bytes
' @author   Stefan Thoolen <>
Public Function GUIDFromString(ByVal GUID As String) As String
    ' The return value will be built in here
    Dim ret As String
    ' Multiple used variables
    Dim s As String, i As Integer
    ' Removes some formatting characters
    GUID = Replace(GUID, "-", "")
    If Left(GUID, 1) = "{" And Right(GUID, 1) = "}" Then GUID = Mid(GUID, 2, Len(GUID) - 2)
    ' The first part
    s = Left(GUID, 8)
    For i = 7 To 1 Step -2
        ret = ret & Chr(hexdec(Mid(s, i, 2)))
    Next i
    ' The second part
    s = Mid(GUID, 9, 4)
    For i = 3 To 1 Step -2
        ret = ret & Chr(hexdec(Mid(s, i, 2)))
    Next i
    ' The third part
    s = Mid(GUID, 13, 4)
    For i = 3 To 1 Step -2
        ret = ret & Chr(hexdec(Mid(s, i, 2)))
    Next i
    ' The forth part
    s = Right(GUID, 16)
    For i = 1 To 15 Step 2
        ret = ret & Chr(hexdec(Mid(s, i, 2)))
    Next i
    GUIDFromString = ret
End Function

' Reads an ASF (WMA) tag
' @param    String     FileName             The filename of which we need the tags
' @return   asf_tag                         The tag elements
' @author   Stefan Thoolen <>
Public Function asf_get_tag(filename As String) As asf_tag
    ' Variables with multiple uses
    Dim s As String, gs As String * 16, i As Integer
    ' The return value
    Dim ret As asf_tag
    ' AFS works with different GUIDs. I wrote them down like this:
    Dim ASF_Header_Object As String * 16
    Dim ASF_Content_Description_Object As String * 16
    Dim ASF_Extended_Content_Description_Object As String * 16
    Dim ASF_File_Properties_Object As String * 16
    ASF_Header_Object = GUIDFromString("75B22630-668E-11CF-A6D9-00AA0062CE6C")
    ASF_Content_Description_Object = GUIDFromString("75B22633-668E-11CF-A6D9-00AA0062CE6C")
    ASF_Extended_Content_Description_Object = GUIDFromString("D2D0A440-E307-11D2-97F0-00A0C95EA850")
    ASF_File_Properties_Object = GUIDFromString("8CABDCA1-A947-11CF-8EE4-00C00C205365")
    Dim ff As Integer
    ff = FreeFile
    Open filename For Binary Access Read As #ff
        Get #ff, 1, gs
        If gs = ASF_Header_Object Then
            Dim header_len As Long, header_objects As Long, object_len As Long
            s = String(8, 0): Get #ff, , s: header_len = change_endian(s)      ' Length of the header
            s = String(4, 0): Get #ff, , s: header_objects = change_endian(s)  ' Amount of objects
            s = String(2, 0): Get #ff, , s                                     ' Reserved1 & Reserved 2
            ' Loops through all header objects
            Dim ho_i As Integer
            For ho_i = 1 To header_objects
                ' Fetching next GUID
                Get #ff, , gs
                ' Length of the object
                s = String(8, 0): Get #ff, , s: object_len = change_endian(s)
                If gs = ASF_Content_Description_Object Then
                    Dim cd_len As ASF_CD_Lengths
                    ret.CD_Found = True
                    Get #ff, , cd_len
                    s = String(cd_len.title_len, 0): Get #ff, , s: ret.CD_Title = Replace(s, Chr(0), "")
                    s = String(cd_len.author_len, 0): Get #ff, , s: ret.CD_Author = Replace(s, Chr(0), "")
                    s = String(cd_len.copyright_len, 0): Get #ff, , s: ret.CD_Copyright = Replace(s, Chr(0), "")
                    s = String(cd_len.description_len, 0): Get #ff, , s: ret.CD_Description = Replace(s, Chr(0), "")
                    s = String(cd_len.rating_len, 0): Get #ff, , s: ret.CD_Rating = Replace(s, Chr(0), "")
                ElseIf gs = ASF_Extended_Content_Description_Object Then
                    Dim ecd_item_count As Integer
                    ret.ECD_Found = True
                    Get #ff, , ecd_item_count
                    For i = 1 To ecd_item_count
                        Dim ecd_namelen As Integer, ecd_name As String
                        Get #ff, , ecd_namelen
                        ecd_name = String(ecd_namelen, 0): Get #ff, , ecd_name
                        Dim ecd_valtype As Integer, ecd_vallen As Integer, ecd_value As String
                        Get #ff, , ecd_valtype
                        Get #ff, , ecd_vallen
                        ecd_value = String(ecd_vallen, 0): Get #ff, , ecd_value
                        ecd_name = Replace(ecd_name, Chr(0), "")
                        If ecd_valtype = 0 Or ecd_valtype = 1 Then
                            ecd_value = Replace(ecd_value, Chr(0), "")
                            Select Case LCase(ecd_name)
                                Case "wm/genre": ret.ECD_Genre = ecd_value
                                Case "wm/albumtitle": ret.ECD_AlbumTitle = ecd_value
                                Case "wm/year": ret.ECD_Year = ecd_value
                                Case "wm/composer": ret.ECD_Composer = ecd_value
                                Case Else: Rem MsgBox ecd_name & ": " & ecd_value
                            End Select
                        ElseIf ecd_valtype = 3 Then
                            Select Case LCase(ecd_name)
                                Case "wm/track": ret.ECD_Track = Asc(ecd_value)
                                Case "wm/tracknumber": ret.ECD_TrackNumber = Asc(ecd_value)
                                Case Else: Rem MsgBox ecd_name & ": " & Asc(ecd_value)
                            End Select
                            Rem MsgBox ecd_valtype & ":" & ecd_name & ": " & Replace(ecd_value, Chr(0), "")
                        End If
                    Next i
                ElseIf gs = ASF_File_Properties_Object Then
                    Dim fp As ASF_File_Properties, pt As Long
                    Get #ff, , fp
                    pt = (two_longs_to_variant(fp.play_duration1, fp.play_duration2) / 10000000) - (two_longs_to_variant(fp.preroll1, fp.preroll2) / 1000)
                    ret.FP_Playtime = pt
                    ret.FP_Filesize = two_longs_to_variant(fp.filesize1, fp.filesize2)
                    ret.FP_Bitrate = (ret.FP_Filesize * 8) / ret.FP_Playtime
                    ' Skips the data of this unknown block
                    ' The length is minus 24, since the guid and length itself are also counted
                    s = String(object_len - 24, 0): Get #ff, , s
                End If
            Next ho_i
        End If
    Close #ff
    asf_get_tag = ret
End Function