Below you'll find the source for the Visual Basic 6 function two_longs_to_variant.
Attribute VB_Name = "modTwoLongsToVariant"
' This function is downloaded from:
' You may freely distribute this file but please leave all comments, including this one, in it.
' @Author Stefan Thoolen <>
Option Explicit
' Combines two Long values to one variant (for QuadWORDs)
' @param long long1 The first value
' @param long long2 The second value
' @return Variant Both values combined
' @author Steven Don <>
Public Function two_longs_to_variant(long1 As Long, long2 As Long) As Double
Dim ret As Double
Dim bit31 As Double, bit63 As Double
bit31 = &H8000
bit31 = bit31 * &H10000
bit63 = bit31 * bit31
bit63 = bit63 * 2
'Move long2 into upper 32 bits, excluding sign bit
ret = (long2 And &H7FFFFFFF)
ret = ret * &H10000
ret = ret * &H10000
'Move long1 into lower 31 bits
ret = ret + (long1 And &H7FFFFFFF)
'Take care of sign bits
If (long1 < 0) Then ret = ret + bit31
If (long2 < 0) Then ret = ret + bit63
two_longs_to_variant = ret
End Function